Access bars Introduction

Saturday August 3
30 min sessions from 11am to 3:30pm

Access bars is a therapy which involves gentle touch on 32 points on the head aims to release stored thoughts, ideas, beliefs, emotions, attitudes that you thought were important

Morning Yoga

An energizing, yet calming and gentle way to start the day. Aiming at bringing clarity to the mind and awakening the body.

Vinyasa – Level 1

Vinyasa level 1 – a class for Vinyasa beginners.
Vinyasa coordinates movement with breath to flow from one pose to the next. The term vinyasa also describes a sequence (Chaturanga to upward-facing dog to downward-facing dog) used in these classes.

Yin Yoga and Conscious Breathwork session

The Yoga Rescue Concious Breath work and yin yoga

Staying Balanced in Chaotic Times – Towards the end of this year, we invite you to take a moment for yourself and join us for a wonderful Yin Yoga and Conscious Breathwork session to move and breathe with our feelings, allow them to come to light and express any emotions we have not been facing during these tough times.

Hatha Yoga

The type of yoga that typically comes to mind when you think of yoga. It involves breathing, yoga poses, and meditation.

Yin Yoga

A series of long-held, passive floor poses that mainly work the lower part of the body – hips, pelvis, inner thighs, lower spine. Areas especially rich in connective tissues.