Vinyasa for the Spine
Introduction Language: EnglishTeacher: WayanDuration: 0h 33m This class focusses on the spine. Especially if you have tightness on your spine or difficulty to do twisting or side stretchings. The class focusses on biomechanical movement of the body by doing side stretches, extensions and flexing.
Full Body Stretch
Introduction Language: EnglishTeacher: LuciDuration: 0h 26m Short class to stretch the full body, perfect to start your day with in the morning or to do during the day when you feel the need to move your body.
Vinyasa Flow for the Upper Body
Introduction Language: EnglishTeacher: WayanDuration: 0h 32m A short guided vinyasa flow session targeted at the upper body.
Vinyasa Flow 2
Introduction Language: EnglishTeacher: WayanDuration: 0h 54m Wayan guides you in this class that connects meditative movements with your breath. We focus on the hip area and start with simple movements to stretch the hips, prepare the muscles and soft tissues and then we go into a dynamic flow to increase blood circulation. The class incorporates creative sequences […]
Prenatal Yoga – 2nd Trimester
Language: Bahasa IndonesiaTeacher: MarianiDuration: 0h 56m Masa kehamilan trimester kedua umumnya merupakan masa yang paling menyenangkan sepanjang kehamilan. Fokus kita saat ini adalah menjaga stamina agar tetap prima dan menjaga kesehatan tubuh agar dapat menyangga tambahan beban kehamilan dengan baik.
Prenatal Yoga – 3rd Trimester
Language: Bahasa IndonesiaTeacher: MarianiDuration: 0h 54m Minggu ke-28 sampai dengan ke-40Pada trimester terakhir ini, beban kandungan akan mencapai bobot maksimalnya, sehingga diperlukan postur tubuh yang kuat untuk menopang. Pertumbuhan janin yang semakin membesar akan mendorong ke arah rongga dada, yang tentunya bisa membuat calon ibu bernapas dengan kurang nyaman yang tentunya membebani serta menekan ginjal […]
Yoga Nidra 1
Language: EnglishTeacher: NiaDuration: 0h 30m Yoga Nidra, or yogic sleep as it is commonly known, is an immensely powerful meditation technique, and one of the easiest yoga practices to develop and maintain. While you rest comfortably in savasana (corpse pose), this systematic meditation takes you through the Pancha Maya Kosha (five layers of self), leaving […]
Gentle Vinyasa – Into the Flow
Introduction Language: EnglishTeacher: LuciDuration: 0h 54m This practice is to allow the gentle side of you to shine. Bringing the element of water and fire into the flow, will help you to slow down and acknowledge your softness as your power.It is an invitation to use the breath to move in fluidity and at the […]
Vinyasa Flow
Introduction Language: EnglishTeacher: WayanDuration: 1h 10m In this class we syncronise the breath and the movement in creative sequences to move the body completely and to build strength, flexibility and stability. We will practice meditative movements to increase awareness on and off the mat. Focus will also be on the alignment so we can engage […]
Prenatal Yoga – 1st Trimester – Slow your pace
Language: Bahasa IndonesiaTeacher: MarianiDuration: 1h 04m Trimester awal kehamilan merupakan fase penting karena waktu untuk pembetukkan sistem perkembangan otak, sistem saraf, dan sistem peredaran darah. 3 bulan pertama bagi sebagian wanita akan menimbulkan rasa tidak nyaman biasanya berupa morning sickness. Pada fase ini juga, kondisi janin belum terlalu kuat sehingga dianjurkan untuk banyak istirahat, relaksasi […]