Reiki Sessions

1:1 Private Session with Innie

Slots are available every Tuesday between 12:30-16:00

How to feel with your heart, not the mind

In the sessions, Innie gives feedback on the repercussions felt in each unbalanced chakra at the end of the session. She will provide the necessary recommendations to:

  • Change limiting beliefs
  • Change bad habits
  • Change Lifestyles
  • Resignification, aiming at your well-being, development, and personal evolution, contributing as a fundamental tool for self-knowledge.
Reiki Sessions - The Yoga Rescue

Benefits of a private Reiki Session:

Reiki therapy will help you feel more balanced and in touch with your emotions: feel, connect, and reach them. 
It will balance the energy of your Seven Chakras, unfolding your energy and cleaning blocks.

Who is this class intended for?

These sessions are open to any one! No prior experience needed.

About Innie:

Innie is a passionate Yoga Teacher and Holistic Therapist (Reiki and Energy Healing). She has years of experience in energy healing, bringing a wealth of knowledge. With her personalised approach she tailors her teachings to your needs, making sure each participant experiences a unique journey.

Innie - The Yoga Rescue

Book your spot for a private Reiki Session with Innie!

Pricing per session: IDR 1.200k
Slots available every Tuesday between 12:30 – 16:00.

* Terms & Conditions

Booked sessions can be rescheduled depending on availablity but can not be refunded or exchanged for other classes (partially or complete).